Bangkok is known as the Venice of the East and its Thai name translates as City of the Angels

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Location: Bangkok, Thailand

Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Yankees - A's

Lam's a huge Yankees fan despite being from Massachusetts, turns out he grew up closer to New York City than Boston and never gave up his loyalty even after moving to Boston. The Yanks were in town for a series with the A's, we saw the first of 'em. Needless to say the night was bitter cold but at least we expected it and were wearing about half the clothes in our suitcase. By chance we even saw Norm and Tilda there, they had tickets for the same game. It turned out to be a good game, too, almost too good. It was tied going into the ninth and by the twelfth it was still tied. You can never tell how long a ball game's going to go so we bailed out then and turned the game on in the car. A's got a homer and ended it in the 13th, oh, well!


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